2 pianos, 2 percussionists
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
"cahier d'exploitation" :Original Documentation from 1997
859.62 Ko
489.17 Mo
Mainly stereo frontal diffusion, for the audience each sampler output should sound located with teh corresponding acoustic piano .
The pianos are amplified
Stage Monitors are required
This version requires :
This version uses Max (version 5 or 6) installation on Macintosh. It uses standard objects excepting the samplor~ and samplor.kg external, that are included in the lib/ folder.
Check both midi keyboards and pedals, it may be necessary to adjust the midi ports and controller numbers in the MAX patch.
Patch presentation
Performance notes
The 3 "CD" sequences are manually triggered directly from the patch (use the 1 2 3 keys of the macintosh keyboard, the space bar stops the sequence)
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