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flute, clarinet, contrabass clarinet, violin, viola, cello
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
for the 5 raspberries
8.61 Go
Musical & Event Score
874.44 Ko
1.15 Mo
Recording of rehearsal, for simulation purposes
4.58 Go
1007.99 Mo
Externals: Spat5, Samplor 3, MaxSoundBox, Antescofo
3.73 Go
Video files and Millumin session
24.79 Go
For any representation of the piece, the user must contact the composer
The piece was made and premiered at IRCAM - ESPRO. We Are Not The Waves features local spatialization, real-time effects, amplitude following and sound playback.
Each musician, showing its back to the audience, is paired with a CRT televisor and facing it. Videos are displayed on the screens, following the score and transformed using the amplitude of the instruments.
Each effect and sound-file is designed to be attached to a musician-CRT duo, and spatialized accordingly in addition to the frontal amplification system.
Detailled formation :
Max 8.5.X or higher is necessary.
Put the whole folder in your max file preferences. Be sure to remove any other antescofo object from your path
Install the necessary packages (provided : MaxSoundBox, Samplor3, Spat 5, Anstescofo for native M1)
The idea, in addition to a frontal amplification system, is to have one loudspeaker (1-5) for each musicien on stage, at their position, playing the electronics and the soundfiles. The composer wants the sound to be localized with the instrumentalists or/and the monitors (eg. The chorus of the flute must be coming from the flutist and the flutist only). Loudspeakers 6 & 7 were put behind the monitors, to refocus the sound image of the "Interferences" sound files on the monitors.
You will find more detailled diagram for the video and the concert at ESPRO on the files download section.
All the soundfiles are in /WeAreNot/media/Sounds
A midi mixer to mix the level of the electronics (Delays, Chorus, Synth, Drone, Interferences and ambisonic)
WeAreNot.maxproj opens the main patch WeAreNot.maxpat. It contains the concert Antescofo score, ctl, interface and DSP. The structure of the patch is of a collection of module, and a Matrix for connecting all these modules. Click on a module name to open it and see its details.

The structure of the patch is of a collection of modules, and a Matrix for connecting all these modules. Everything is controlled by the antescofo score.
It's designed for the Computer Music Designer to live trig and mix the events and navigate the score.

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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche
Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles
Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique
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