Abismo Azul, Floreciente

Composé par Francisco Castillo Trigueros , concert du 10 juillet 2011


Acanthes 2011
Lieu de représentation
Arsenal - Esplanade, Arsenal - Esplanade (Metz)
09 min
10 juillet 2011

Used to subjecting text to musical forms and conventions I set out to do the opposite in Abismo azul, floreciente. In this piece for Voice, Bass Flute and Alto Saxophone, a narrative constructed around fragments from Arthur Rimbaud’s Les Illuminations is the skeleton around which the musical materials are organized. Thus the piece contains three large narrative sections with two “instrumental” interludes. The character of the text ranges from descriptions of urban symmetries with nature (in reference to Rimbaud’s Les Ponts) to depictions of apocalyptic scenes (containing fragments from Rimbaud’s Mystique).

Absimo azul, floreciente was written in Chicago and Amsterdam in 2011.

©Acanthes - enregistrement Studio Sextan, Hervé Martin - Guillaume Coudrette

Œuvre de



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