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2 pianos, 2 percussionists
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
doc for the original ISPW-based version (now obsolete)
143.67 Ko
max patches, libraries and sounds
10.2 Mo
Separate recordings of the instruments for testing the patch. Not necessary for performance.
319.86 Mo
Copy the Rhizomes2009 folder on your hard disk.
Start MaxMsp version 4.5 or version 5.
Set the Max File Preferences to the folders :
Check the DSP Status :
To check the midi devices, open the midi_io patcher.
The Piano 1 should be on midi channel 1
These assignements can be adjusted in the midi_io patcher
Check that the sounds from the instruments arrives on the correct max audio inputs :
Before the first rehearsal with the musicians, it is possible to test the patch with a multi-track recording of the piece.
For this, download the soundfiles and open the Simulation patch.
The Macintosh audio outputs are sent to a good quality reverberation (with a reverberation time of about 3 sec), the ouput of this reverberation unit send to all the speakers.
Open the RHIZOMES-TR04.pat patch with MaxMsp version 4.
(or RHIZOMES-TR05.pat with MaxMsp 5)
Switch the DSP on.
Select the section 1 : you are ready, the musicians can start playing !
During the performance of Rhizomes, you should carefully follow the musical score and monitor the event sequencing. It can be necessary to resynchronize the score following system (in case of too many consecutive wrong notes from the musicians, for instance)
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