Audio setup
Loudspeaker setup
Audio equipment for the playback of four audio tracks surrounding the audience.
Four versions are available according to the loudspeakers precise disposal :
Version 1 : loudspeakers 1, 2, 3 4 set respectively at : 30°, -30°, 110°, -110° from the center of the audience ;
Version 2 : loudspeakers 1, 2, 3 4 set respectively at : 30°, -30°, 90°, -90° ;
Version 3 : loudspeakers 1, 2, 3 4 set respectively at : 40°, -40°, 110°, -110° ;
Version 4 : loudspeakers 1, 2, 3 4 set respectively at : 40°, -40°, 90°, -90°.
Midi setup
No MIDI devices
Software installation
Max or Max Runtime software version higher than 6.0 is required.
Mount image MythicFigures-Max6.dmg
System calibration and tests
Set sound card sample-rate to 44.1kHz.
In Max, tests for quadriphonic setup may be done using patcher 'test-quadriphonic.maxpat'
Initialization routine
In Max, launch file Mythic_Figures.maxpat.
Then in patcher main window :
1. Select sound card using button ' Audio status' (output device) ;
2. in Max, check sample rate set to 44.1kHz ;
3. set Audio On ;
4. Clic on 'Select folder' button to load sound tracks from folder 'Mythic_Figures-Max6' ;
Volume is automatically set to 0 dB.
5. Select version to play according to loudspeakers configuration.
Patch presentation
Sound file duration is 9'00.
See below comments written onto the ADAT tape explaining the 4 quadriphonic loudspeakers configurations (versions) and the mapping of the 8 tracks to the quadriphonic system. The actual sound files are .aif 8-tracks enterlaced (using 'SoX -M MythicFigures-$version-$track.aif MythicFigures-$version.aif'). Then, the Max patcher already actualize this mapping so that only 4 outputs (DAC) are required.
Please note that loudspeakers 3 and 4 on this manuscript on the orginal tape, are enumerated according to the Ircam's Spat standard. in Max, they have been respectively renamed 4 and 3 according to more conventional sound setups (using 3 for rear-left and 4 for rear-right).