The setup and the execution of the electroacoustic part of this work requires a Computer Music Designer (Max expert).

Version Information

Performance date
July 3, 2020
Documentation date
October 2, 2020
Validation date
January 28, 2022
naves (
7 min
8 channels surround + 1 for click track (in ear monitor).

No other versions

Detailed Staff


Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to for correction.

Channel Details

Number of output channels

Electronic Equipment List

Audio Equipment

1 TLM 170
Condenser Microphones (Neumann)
1 DPA 4061
Condenser Microphones (DPA)
8 Loudspeaker
Loudspeakers (generic)
1 subwoofer
Subwoofers (generic)
1 ear-monitor
Headphones (generic)
3 DPA 4099
Condenser Microphones (DPA)
1 Digital Mixing Desk
Digital Mixers (generic)
1 DYN-E Set
Contact Microphones (Schertler)

Computer Music Equipment

1 BCF 2000
MIDI Mixer (Behringer)
1 Sound Board
Sound Board (generic)
1 MacBook Pro
Apple Laptops (Apple)
1 Max 8
Max (Cycling74)



Sébastien Naves

1.18 Mo


1. Audio setup

2 DPA 4099 (guitar clip + cello clip)

1 contact mic Sclertler

1 DPA 4061 (cello clip)

1 Neumann TLM170

1 apple laptop computer (macOS 10.14.6).

1 sound card with 9 outputs (48kHz 24bits).

1 Mixing desk with 13 inputs (mics + sound card) and 11 outputs (loudspeakers, monitors and in ear monitor).

1 USB/Midi fader controller (Behringer BCF2000).

2. Loudspeaker setup

Loudspeakers 1 to 8 are arround the audience (dac~ 1 to dac~ 8).

Loudspeakers 9 and 10 are monitors.

1 in ear monitor for the performer (dac~ 9 for click track).

3. Midi setup

no Midi.

4. Software installation

Copy the content of the image “KeepDIggingTheHareHole_patch.dmg” in your hard drive.

The folder consists of a max patch and a 9-channel audio file.

Start Max 8 (8.1.6) and check audio setup (option>audio status).

a) Max/MSP patches (Max 8.1.6)

Open the patch “final_patch_keep_digging_06_16_a1.maxpat”.

  1. Initialisation : click on the button (bang).
  2. Turn on the audio.
  3. Adjust the level of the master tape (0dB) and the click track (0dB).
  4. Click on the toggle to start the tape.

For the rehearsal select the appropriate bar in the menu “Go from bar”
Click on the button (bang) play.

b) Routing in Max/MSP

dac~ 1 to adc~ 8 are the loudspeakers 1 to 8 arround the audience.

dac~ 9 for click track.

Program Notes

Cette œuvre est fortement inspirée du roman de Lewis Carroll, Les Aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles. « The hare hole » — le trou du lièvre  —symbolise à la fois le besoin de l’homme de s’évader et son monde intérieur souvent entouré de pensées saugrenues et d’impasses. Ce monde est un lieu sûr et rassurant mais peut parfois s’avérer être incompréhensible, absurde et plein de surprises, sans orientation ni continuité. Un monde qui se prête à une re-transformation incessante. C’est exactement cette sensation d’inachevé qui est retranscrite à travers le son. Une structure incomprise, ponctuée d’incidents inopinés ; un son fluide et protéiforme, avec plusieurs couches et textures élaborées qui se régénèrent continuellement.

Updated at

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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

opening times

Monday through Friday 9:30am-7pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

subway access

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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