Expérience [Auto-Référentielle]

Composé par Phivos-Angelos Kollias , concert du 11 juillet 2011


Acanthes 2011
Lieu de représentation
Arsenal - Esplanade, Arsenal - Esplanade (Metz)
12 min
11 juillet 2011

The fields of experience are vast and their limits reach to infinity. You have already walked your own road into these fields. You have curved this road with your own steps. You may have walked though prosperous valleys ...crossed wild rivers ...been lost in dark forests ...or flourishing gardens. And now you arrive in front of this building. A building you are about to enter. You may open the front door and just stay at the entrance hall, leave everything untouched, just walk back. But you may dare to get deeper inside the building, look around, search below the old wooden furniture, go down at the basement, move up at the attic, explore through forgotten dusty boxes. And after looking and searching, you may find something exceptional for you, something hidden behind an ancient mirror. I have conceived this building for you. And you are about to experience it.

©Acanthes - enregistrement Studio Sextan, Hervé Martin - Guillaume Coudrette

Œuvre de



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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche

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Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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